The 4 Elements Of An Engaging Webinar

Your webinar should do 4 things.  

Entertain, educate, energize and engage. 


Any form of entertainment takes people out of their current reality, and places them in another frame of reality. 

You can do this by telling stories. Some people like to use stats in their webinar. 

Use all the stats you want! Do this by making the story filled with relevant stats. 

A short story:

March 14 2020 - pie day. I was  3000 miles from home, working for a company in London. Scheduled to fly to NYC that weekend. Watching TV when the prime minister came on the TV tetlling everyone the entire country was shutting down. 

This wasn’t affecting just London. The entire world shut down. Hundreds of thousands were stranded. 

Live events were being cancelled, and all of our clients were company were freaking out because they were SUPPOSED TO BE GOING TO THOSE EVENTS. 

But the company I worked for was uniquely positioned. We were an events company..for online events. That’s A webinar company. We would host 400 events per year, easily. Clients paid thousands per year to own a channel, and speak virtually with our audience of 10 million professionals. 

This should be a piece of cake. Right? 

As long as our processes were ready to go, yes. As long as our documentation was solid, yes. 

So we worked. 

From March 2020 until Dec 2020, we worked on thousands of webinars. Most worked well! Revenue shot up and we hit record numbers. 

Some events didn’t work, and we learned. 

And from those learnings, through hundreds of webinars and meetings with clients I took it upon myself to create a guide. 

Because now people realize that webinars are part of a multi-channel digital experience that drives business. 

And this is part of the guide! 

I hope that was entertaining. Next, we… 


To educate, tell them new facts about the world, models of looking at things, or frameworks for how things work. 

The BEST educational entertainment contains a little-known device used in psychology. This is device is what’s known as a PAAMLER. 

This is how the world’s best thought leaders help their audience remember ONE THING from the presentation. 

They put it on their hats, shirts, in the marketing - they make hashtags out of it. Sometimes these things become political and polarizing.  But it is always repeated early and often. 

A PAAMLER creates a memorable word or phrase for organizing thoughts. A PAAMLER is created by using 1 of 7 items. 

Principle: “Pareto Principle”
Art-of: Art of Buying a House
Acronym: PEMDAS
Method: The Wim Hof Method...The Ferber Method
Law: The Law of Attraction, The Law of 130
Effect: The Streisand Effect, The Doppler Effect
Rule: The rule of 72, The golden rule

How to create a PAAMLER? 

  1. Identify a 3-10 step process in your business*. 

  2. Write out the steps. 

  3. Choose one of the 7 elements above

  4. Name it to stamp it into existence. 

(That’s the STAMP® method). 

*The more complicated your business, short underlying PAAMLER. Simple business? Long underlying PAAMLER. 


To energize people, give them new info they can immediately try out. Do this by teaching them 1)  something about themselves as they are so they can test our your theories or 2) as they can be if they follow the process you give them.  

The DISC profile framework has people answer questions on their preferences, and gives them a guideline for how they operate in the world, how other people act,and more importantly, how to interact with others effectively. 

If you’re a high energy person who loves to be around people (high S), you might not understand how a person who prefers to stay at home and clean (high low S, high C) has any fun in life.  How will you ever be able to collaborate with them? But after taking the test, you’ll know how to approach this person and what drives them so that collaboration is easier. 

The information is energizing because once you find something out about yourself, you want to test it out. 

This is why TIKTOK is FULL of recipe hacks and games with kids - because people try them out! 


To make them act, give them a resource to engage with. This helps them because they have something to do after the webinar. This helps YOU because it helps you enrich your data on your audience. 

They also act as another touchpoint for them to engage with you further i.e. a PDF with links to other places on your website. 

Use them a lot, or a little, but never forget them. Always make sure you can enrich your data on who uses the resources. 

Resources  fall into 3 categories: 

  • Websites - collect email info. Don’t include a website unless you collect email addresses at that website. 

  • Downloads - make sure you can track engagement! 

  • Worksheets - get them to fill it out and submit, but get the email address first. 

**Worksheets are the best way to energize people because they have created something.

Get this section along with the entire guide on creating effective webinars here.